Saturday, September 24, 2011

Make an Effort

There are plenty of benefits to being retired. You can chart your own schedule and complete projects when you happen to be in the mood. Feel like cleaning house today? Nope. It can wait. How absolutely liberating! If you have spent decades complying with a work schedule, it's a joy to again resume being in charge of your own time.

However, the downside of having time to do what you want to do is the temptation to do nothing at all. After all, you have worked for many years and deserve to indulge yourself.

Farther down that road, it is easy to become absolutely slothful. At first, I found this chapter of life to be fun. If I chose to, I could wear jeans and slippers all day, go without make-up or attempts to fix my hair. If I was not going anywhere, who was to know? I certainly didn't care.

One day, I started noticing that the majority of women at the grocery store on Tuesday morning appeared to be indulging themselves as well. None wore make-up or made any effort to improve their appearance. As long as they could pull on a sweatshirt or over sized T-shirt and slip into elastic waist pants, they were ready to go anywhere.

Women aren't required to keep up with the latest fashion trends. But there are certain requirements that should be kept in mind: dress age appropriately and cover the most obvious portions of your anatomy.

Whether it concerns fashion or taste in general, all women -- not only seniors -- need to pay attention to whether their choices are appropriate. Just because long, blond hair looked good in 1975 doesn't mean it is the most flattering style for now. Need confirmation of your fashion choices? Ask a friend. Don't trust the opinion of a friend or spouse? Buy a mirror. Some people will wear what they want anyway. The results are visible every day.

As for covering the most obvious portions of your anatomy, this subject doesn't sound like one that requires explanation. If some part of you shows, make sure it is something that you really want to display. Look for fabric tucked into places where it doesn't belong, material which is transparent in any light and styles better displayed on your grandchildren. Simple enough.

Learn to try new styles for a new look. But keep in mind that leggings may not come in size 3X for the same reason that thong underwear often stops at XL. Not all fashions look the same on everyone. Age appropriate means just that. Think before you thong.

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